From a Watercolour Illustration to a Book Cover
The goal was to create a cover for a book dedicated to the phenomenon of what we call "Instagram tourism". The goal was to have an image a classical typeface with an established "fancy" connotation. Finally, the book is bilingual in English and Greek, made by a group of authors, so it does not feature any particular name. 
Everything starts with a watercolour painting, made in a way to display the classical aesthetics of the watercolour as the medium, featuring the surface of the sea, along with the known landmarks of the island of Mykonos, in the time of the sunset, the most popular time for tourist photos. 
The typefaces for the cover and the book content:


Title: Poster Bodoni (known as the "Mamma Mia type")
Subtite: Gill Sans semibold
Body text (suggested): Gill Sans regular


Title: GFS Bodoni Bold
Subtitle: Gill Sans semibold
Body text (suggested): Gill Sans regular

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